Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Terrible Life, Amazing Moments

"You could NEVER understand my struggle... you've never had to deal with the things I've dealt with."

That is one of the most hurtful things a person could ever say to me and I'll explain why.

In life, we ALL have faced some sort of "struggle" or have experienced a deep cut that has affected who we are as people. No one on this Earth, has ever had it "easy". Not the prettiest, the richest, the smartest.. no one.

I have been through numerous hardships in my 19 years of living and though I could take the time to sit and dwell on all that I've been through, all that I'm currently going through, and the struggles that are sure to come.. I won't do that. Simply because of the fact that I can't dwell on that and I can't let the things I've been through turn me into a Debbie Downer. Life goes on and if I want to see better days, I have to keep moving right along with it.

This is of course, easier said than done. And at times I have to remind myself to stop looking back. It does nothing but bring you down and in the long run, other people that you associate with and love are brought down as well. I don't want to make anything about my life more complicated than it already can get on it's own.. it's no need. 

Although life is hard, it's beautiful. Although you've had a bad day, I guarantee there was something positive that was incorporated in that bad day. Reflecting on that very thought makes me feel better. 

And to piggy back on my initial point of this blog, (lol) learn how to be cautious of the people who you feel wouldn't understand your story. You'd be surprised at those that have more than likely faced the same thing that you have faced. And even if they didn't go through your same situation, they too have battles that have been placed in their lives that they have or will overcome... just.. like...YOU. Why not get through these tough times along side someone versus trying to do it alone? No one can do it alone.. no one.

That is all.
Get It Together by India Arie... soak in the lyrics.

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