Friday, June 15, 2012


So I was going to initially write about a specific topic, but due to other reasons, I decided to just vent in this specific post.

I am really coming to form in my emotions. Something that I have never done. I realized that I am very sensitive, I just don't show it. Due to the fact that my feelings always got looked down upon in my house. But tonight, I can't excape these specific feelings. 

Of course, it's a guy. But it's different for me this time.EVERYTHING about this situation is different. The big difference is the fact that I'm actually beginning to care and I'm not regretting the fact that I care. This is the scariest, most risky thing I have ever done.. my feelings are currently in jeapordy. And surprisingly, I'm unable to shut these feelings down. I don't want them to stop. 

Wanna know something? I already know that this specific guy will be the one to hurt me. Not because he's a bad guy, but just due to the fact that it's my turn to get hurt. 

All my life (dating life, that is) I have always been the one to keep my feelings in check.. the one who never stuck around.. feelings? eww. I was too emotionally independent for that. But this time around, Karma is taking place and trust me , it's my turn to feel the burn. I know it's coming.. I can't even say I don't deserve it. And maybe that's the reason why I'm unable to stop this. Because I want to get the pain that I'll experience, over with. Yep, that's it.

Okay, let me get off of this before I get in my feelings a little too hard. lol 

Don't let me down by Amel Larrieux... the title speaks for itself.

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