Sunday, July 19, 2015

Exercising Faith and Letting Go of Fear

Hey everyone! It's been such a long time since I've posted something and it won't be very long, but I feel this is something I needed to write to you all today.

These past few months have been extremely difficult for me. Full of sadness, hopelessness, fear, discouragement, and sorrow. All due to one thing: lack of faith.

I have experienced message after message from God about a specific situation that put me in extreme discomfort, telling me it was going to be okay, but instead of hearing and receiving what I was told, I chose to lean on the things that I thought I knew to be true. I let feelings overpower what I knew to be true. I let other people's lives and outcomes become my destiny, despite what God had already said over my life.

Lack of faith caused me to go into deeper spells of hopelessness. It caused me to run to others for advice and confirmation instead of trusting what God had already said.

I'm writing this to you all to tell you that whatever you're battling with, God has an answer. God reveals to us in His own way what is truth and what is not. It is up to us to determine if we are willing to accept what He has already spoken without questioning it based on what we can or cannot see. We can get these answers by studying His word and through prayer and meditation.

God is full of mercy, love, and joy. In Him we can receive all of these things. In Him, we are already equipped with all of these things, but in order to bring said things out, you must exercise your faith! In Him we can live without fear because He has called us into a life of guaranteed safety by simply walking on purpose and by faith.

So don't be afraid to ask God what He has for your life. For wherever He leads you, know that you are safe, loved and highly favored.


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