Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Loved Ones and Lack of Support: Why you must keep going!

I've been wanting to hit on this for a while. Lack of support from the people we care about most can be very detrimental to our success if we let it. Since I began blogging, I always felt like it was pulling teeth just to get people to read, but it's even more difficult when you feel like you have to do the same thing with your friends and family.

I felt like none of my friends/family were ever really down for what my dreams are. Even when I act on them, it feels as though I'm overlooked and not supported. I can barely get one to retweet a link to this blog, let alone give me positive affirmation that they see me and support me. I had a friend one time insinuate the only way she would share my link to my blog was if I gave her a shout out on instagram.

It shouldn't matter, but it does! Even if no one else were to read this blog, knowing my loved were watching, rooting, and supporting would mean the world to me a year ago. Hell, even if they never read, but simply shared a link, that would've been great. 

But on the other end of that, I can't let anything deter me from what it is I want to do. I saw a quote not to long ago that said, "Friends won't support you until strangers do." And I strongly believe that. Because once outsiders recognize your work, then all of a sudden it's not just some silly dream, it's a reality. And maybe that's the idea that we all have to keep close to us. 

No matter where you are in your dreams and no matter where you are as far as following goes, you have to keep pushing because someone out there can't get enough of what you're offering and sometimes that's all you need. 

For a long time, I went on a break from writing. I figured there was no point if no one was looking. To me, no one looking meant no one was interested. And if my own loved ones couldn't see it, maybe it wasn't there. But what I've come to realize was that no matter who's watching, I have to keep striving to what it is I want to see. I can no longer consider my purpose a dream. IT IS MY REALITY.  I can no longer place my success nor progress on anyone but myself. And if you've ever felt the way I did, or if you're currently feeling it now, this is for you. Keep going, whatever your dream is and we'll get there, surely. 

I personally just want to say thank you to the women of From A Wildflower for seeing something in me, even after I stopped writing due to my lack of seeing it in myself, they are always open to hear what I have to say. And to my number one supporter, Jasmine. My sister forever, thank you for always liking, commenting, and reading even when I think it may suck, and from my internet sister Pascale Sylla (twitter: @_waif), who I met solely through blogging, you are the reason I post... even though it's not as much as I used to, the reason I post at all. And also a supporter of my writing for as long as I can remember... Gerald. Thank you for sharing, commenting, and referring me to others black girls who blog. You're amazing!

I say all this to inspire and encourage myself and anyone reading to do more this year! To not let anything stop us from what it is we see in ourselves! To live in love with us and our passions and to let our work ethic be the only thing we have to lean on. Let's blow minds this year and give them something to see.

And also let's reciprocate what it is we want to see in our loved ones! Begin to encourage them more and help out in their dreams in whatever way you can. If you see someone trying, always do what you can to support. Showing love is not a one way street!


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