Tuesday, October 23, 2012

H-o-n-e-s-t-y ...Find out what it means to me!!!

What is being "too honest"? Who invented that BS? I hate the fact that I can't sit and talk to someone and ask them how they really feel without them adding a little white lie. It's so unnerving! I just crave people in my life who don't mind giving it to me straight. Telling me how they really feel.

I want a guy to tell me that he would like to see me today, but at the same time he doesn't feel like coming all the way down to my campus because he's already settled. I want him to tell me that he's not ready for a relationship, but he does like me and he hopes I don't mind hanging out because he likes my company.

I want a friend to tell me that they love my humor, but sometimes I take it too far. I want a friend that can tell me that they love my insight, but I don't have the answer to everything. I want a friend that can give ME advice sometimes and understand that even Aaminah needs someone to vent to without judgement.

I need something real.. just once in my life. I want to be able to have some sort of stability in the people I associate myself with. Is that too much to ask for?!

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